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There are many contributing factors to autointoxication from a toxic bowel. Improper diet, insufficient exercise, stress, overeating and ignoring the “call of nature” can all lead to bowel problems.
Most of us, for instance, have had years of poor to average nutritional food. Much of our food is subjected to processing which includes refining, frying and over cooking, saturating the mineral elements of our food with oil or grease. As a result of this food altering, the digestive organs cannot process the minerals efficiently and they are passed out of the small intestine into the colon as wastes. The consumption of mucous producing foods such as meat, dairy products, and flour, cause dense sticky bowel movements. Excess mucous in our system is a sign of trouble. Mucous stools are difficult for the body to eliminate. When they are expelled, they leave behind a glue-like coating on the walls of the colon which accumulates layer by layer into a hard rubbery crust. The body cannot eliminate these layers of hardened mucous on its own. They are often carried for the duration of the person’s life as toxic burden.
Incompletely digested food ferments and putrefies when remaining in the colon longer than a day. When this fermented waste combines with the body’s own bile acids from the liver, carcinogens can ultimately develop into colon or rectal cancers. Enhancing the colon’s ability to expedite the elimination of waste reduces the risks of developing colon-rectal canoes